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Published on November 10, 2008 at 4:37 pm  Comments (4)  

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  1. As a distant (three parsecs) relative of this lad I may switch from needing a driver to hiking it for deals such as Thursday’s! Getting there should work fine. Getting back may be another story. But I can always stay over with Bloomie.

  2. Hi Ben – This looks great. I am always interested in cheap food. Nick, who is living at 181st and Cabrini Blvd., may have some suggestions around his neighborhood. I intend to consult you befroe I make any more dinner reservations.

  3. You’re an interesting guy Ben. The site looks good, and I imagine it will help a lot of us who are living in this city on what is an increasingly limited budget.

  4. Have you been to Yo In Yo Out on Lexington Avenue and 100th St. Funny name but it is a delicious French place that serves crepes and other traditional French sides and salads. really good and nicely presented. Many entries under $8.

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